TIMCAL Super C65 Conductive Carbon Black Lithium Ion Battery
Super C65 Conductive Carbon Black for Li-ion Battery, TIMCAL


Super C65 Conductive Carbon Black for Li-ion Battery, TIMCAL

Regular price $172.00 Sale price $112.00

Product Code: CNB-9-CA05/CNB-9-CA07


  • Volatile Content: 0.15 % max
  • Toluene Extract: 0.1% max
  • Grit content > 45 microns: <2ppm
  • Grit content >20 microns: 12 ppm
  • BET Nitrogen surface area: 62m²/g
  • Adsorption stiffness value: 32ml/5g
  • Moisture: 0.1%
  • Density: 160kg/m3
  • Sulphur Content: 0.02%
  • pH: 10
  • Iron (3): 2ppm
  • Nickel (3): 1ppm
  • Vanadium (3): < 1ppm
  • Chromium (3): < 1ppm
  • Copper (3): < 1ppm
  • Ash content (600 °C): 0.01%
  • CAS Number: 1333-86-4

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