About Us
Beyond Battery serves the Battery R&D industry with the most up-to-date battery research raw materials, tools and equipment.
Founded by research scientists with a burning desire to fuse the User's Experience with aesthetics, Beyond Battery challenges the norms of R&D equipment design and product packaging.
Our wide range of raw materials will save you precious time. We also welcome your enquiries to source for the latest raw materials for your ground-breaking research.
Ask us about ultra-small packing sizes for one-time experiments!
User Experience is at the core of every Tool and Equipment we design. Our products are easier to use, and perform effectively.
Beyond Battery's tools work. It's that simple.
Supporting Battery R&D Researchers

Clean. Concise. Thoughtful. Artistic. You aspire to work in an aesthetic space that you are proud to show off to visitors.

Time is the ultimate resource. You recognise that investing in quality purchases eliminates days and weeks of unproductive downtime.

You choose to train your attention on what generates the greatest productivity. We lean on that same philosophy in all our products.